Right before the Civil War, the US and Britain had an ongoing disagreement about where to draw the border with the US and Canada. There were those on the US side who advocated for the 54th parallel (54-40 or fight) while others were for the 49th parallel. The 49th was settled on but the Islands of Puget Sound didn't work since the 49th parallel goes through Vancouver Island and nobody wanted to divide the island.
So, they swung the border south but the San Juan Islands were still disputed. There were a handful of Brits and Americans living harmoniously on the disputed San Juan Island until an American got fed up with a British pig getting into his potato patch and shot it. Well, the British pig owner was not happy about this and things began to escalate. The pig murderer was arrested by the Brits and the Americans got upset about a US citizen getting arrested by foreigners. The American army was called in and ended up fortifying the south end of the Island with numerous cannon. This is what is left of the redoubt, the cannon battery.
Of course, the Brits came in with their own army and ships and hunkered down on the North end of the Island at what is now known as British Camp.
Pickett of Pickett's Charge fame was here too, helping build the US garrison. Everyone was armed and itching for a fight. Luckily, cooler heads prevailed as both US and British leaders were appalled at the idea of going to war over a pig. Things cooled off though an amicable standoff remained for 12 years until the dispute over the islands was finally resolved in the 1870s with the San Juan Islands going to the US. The final deal was arbitrated over by the German Kaiser, of all people. The best part of the story is that if you look up 'Pig War' on Wikipedia there are two hits. There was a non-violent 'Pig War' between Serbia and The Austo-Hungarians over a tariff on pork.
-- Post From My iPhone
hahaha thats awesome! damn brits!! hope your havin fun!