Sunday, June 27, 2010

Finally on my way

Well, after some delay, I'm finally on my way. I took the train to Bellingham yesterday, two days later than I had planned because there wasn't room on the train for my bike before Saturday. So, I had a few extra days of relaxing at home before starting my ride.

I got a bunch of work done to prepare for school in the fall. I re-wrote all the advanced bio experiments and the protein modeling project. Now, I get to put school out of my mind for the rest of the summer because the open road calls.

The train ride to Bellingham was really pleasant with a good part of the trip right running right next to Puget Sound. Amtrak sure beats flying! Everyone is much calmer and friendlier. Yeah, it takes longer but it's so much more humane.

I got into Bellingham and called Tom Caldwell, someone I had contacted through an on line networking site called Warm Showers, which is a group of bicyclists all over the world who sign up to host cyclists traveling through their towns. Tom met me at the train station and we road the mile or so to his house where I met his wife Laurel and their kids Dana and Noah.

Here is Tom and Laurel. Thanks for the hospitality!

I'm now riding a ferry to San Juan Island.

It's cloudy and cool, good cycling weather. I'll spend the day on the island and then will take the Anacortes ferry and begin heading east. Weeeeee!
-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Boat to SanJuan Island

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