This is the view from the top of the Souris lighthouse.

The ĂŽsles de la Madeleine ferry passed when I was on the lighthouse.

This is the old Fresnel lens from the now automated light. It used to contain a kerosene lamp so one of the many tasks for the lighthouse keeper was cleaning the soot off the lens and the windows.

Before it was electrified, the rotation of the light was driven by a clockwork mechanism with a weight that slowly lowered from the top to the bottom of the tower. It had to be wound every four hours.

This is a boson chair that was used to lower someone down the side of the lighthouse to paint the sides. The paint bucket hook is on the right.

I visited Prince Edward National Park. There are tree sections to it along the north shore. I thought the Greenwich shore was by far the prettiest.

I stopped to see Dalvay 'cottage' the summer residence of one of the original owners of Standard Oil that was built at the end of the nineteenth century.

This is where Will and Kate stayed when they came to PEI.

I treated myself to lunch in the restaurant: seafood chowder with shrimp, scallops, and lobster. Yum!

Today was a thoroughly soggy day and a 'Rain Warning' was issued for several centimeters of rain. I lucked out though, since last night when I stopped in a convenience store to pick up milk, I met Doreen, a local avid bicycle tourist. She invited me to come stay with her which I gladly accepted. We spent hours discussing gear, routes, etc. I got a ride into Charlottetown to buy groceries and more camera memory. We had a nice dinner and it was just great to hang out in a warm, dry house while the rain came down. Thanks for the hospitality, Doreen!
I went up to Cavendish, the home of Green Gables, where the book, 'Anne of Green Gables' is set.

The house is decorated like it is described in the book. Here is Anne's room.

This is the Haunted Wood.

Lover's Lane.

I had a bottle of Raspberry Cordial.

A nearby farm, owned by some people with a Chinese last name showed their island allegiance thus.

If you don't understand the above photos then go read Lucy Montgomery's 'Anne of Green Gables'.
I'm now making my way back to the ferry to head back to Nova Scotia. I took the Confederation Trail, the island rails to trails, into the biggest city on the island, Charlottetown.

I hung out for a few hours.

There was a street musician playing Ragtime music.

I treated myself to a Dutch pastry called poffertjes.

They are like tiny, puffy crepes and are very tasty.

Heading out of Charlottetown, I passed a bunch more fields and some veggie stands. This one grabbed my attention.

Folks on PEI seem so nice. I'm a bit shocked that they sell Irish shoemakers along with potatoes and lettuce. It seems so out of character.
This is a freshly planted potato field. Note the pretty red soil.

More fields.

I visited the Wood Islands lighthouse.

There was some major rum running on the island since they had prohibition until the 1940s.

These serious gentlemen with the formidable mustaches were the sons of one of the lighthouse keepers.

This is how mail was delivered to the island in winter across the ice.

I bid goodbye to PE I today and took the ferry back to Nova Scotia.

I'm excited to see Newfoundland but was really sad to leave PEI and will definitely be back.
-- Post From My iPhone
Location:Prince Edward Island
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