Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bugs galore

Today was a hard day even though I only rode about 50 miles. The roads have lots of short steep hills, a number of which are a tough grind even in my lowest gear. I tried riding a few side roads to get off Route 1. Man, was that a mistake. There were some ridiculously steep climbs, a few of which I walked, something I rarely do. I did meet up with this fellow.

Years ago, when I rode through New Mexico and Arizona, I was told by a Navajo elder that the turtle was my totem animal since I travel carrying my home with me just like a turtle does. (I'm glad there are no snails that live on the Navajo Rez so he didn't think to name that as my totem animal!) He told me to wear a turtle symbol when I travel for protection which I have done ever since. Currently, I wear a necklace I bought in Hawaii that has a sea turtle on it.

There were some pretty views and picturesque towns along the way, which made the tough day worth it.

Once I got to camp, I found some amazing bugs. Check out the antennae and eyespots on these huge moths. These were both about eight inches across.

There were June bugs also.

And, (no picture of these unfortunately) lots of fireflies in the bushes. I haven't seen any since the last time I was out East in 1996!
-- Post From My iPhone

Location:Camden State Park

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