Sam II got his first pose in front of a national park sign.
Joshua trees are actually members of the yucca family and look like something from a Dr. Seuss book.
With the mist and fog the park looked like I had cycled to an alien planet. What a fantastic ride despite the cold, driving rain.
There was a nice downhill all the way down to Twentynine Palms. I was completely soaked (again) and pretty cold so the hot shower in my motel room was fantastic. I had briefly contemplated camping in the park but the cold rain convinced me not to which turned out to be a good choice since it poured all night again and this morning there were all sorts of flood warnings for the park campgrounds.
This morning I woke up to more rain and strong winds with more rain on the way. The road I'm planning to take north is impassable due to flooding so I'm stuck here for another day. Tomorrow, it is supposed to be sunny so I should be good to go. I'm behind schedule because of the weather so I'll have some big mile days ahead.
-- Post From My iPhone
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