Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cluck, Cluck

I'm currently in the town of Chicken, Alaska on the Taylor "Highway". Highway is deserving of quotes since it is now dirt/ gravel/ mud/ potholes. None of the above qualifies as a civilized highway. The hills go up and down all day but the views are fantastic. Yesterday, I still had real pavement.

Here is the token chicken in Chicken.

The town is made up of three parts. I'm in Downtown Chicken right now.

There are 47 more miles until the border and real pavement. Until then, I have some really tough riding to haul through. It rained again this morning but it has cleared up some now so, hopefully, the road will have dried out some, too.

I ended up staying in Chicken for the day and exploring. I even tried my hand at panning for gold and found a few flakes.

Another guy had more luck.

I'm not about to quit my day job, though, in the quest to strike it rich. I did meet a few gold miners and had some interesting chats with them. The owner of the Chicken Gold Outpost mined for gold for years where the buildings now are and made a modest fortune. He now has an RV park and cafe on the old mine site that he runs during the summers and travels during the winters.

As I was heading to bed, a small plane landed on the airstrip and taxied across the road to park in the RV park I'm staying at. Kinda surprising to see a plane come in and park just like a car.

Chicken jokes abound in this place. The annual music festival is called Chickenstock. I had to buy a T-shirt that says 'I got laid in Chicken'.

They have to use generators to produce electricity and only one place in town has indoor plumbing and proudly advertises the fact.

It's two more days to Dawson from here and then I decide on the last leg of my ride. Currently, the weather looks promising so I'm hoping to go north past the Arctic Circle to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories. I've heard that the tundra is starting to turn color and is absolutely gorgeous. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather holds for another couple of weeks.
-- Post From My iPhone

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