Monday, July 13, 2009

Hyder, Alaska

Hyder, Alaska is about two miles or so down the road from Stewart, BC. Unless you go by boat, the only way to get to Hyder is from Stewart. The border is clearly marked with a cut swath through the forest.

I had a great day off in Hyder, Alaska including two, count 'em, two nights in a bed! I met a Dutch couple, Loes and Kees, and got a ride with them up to the overlook above Salmon Glacier about twenty miles up a steep, dirt road. The fog lifted and we had some great views.

We saw a black bear by the side of the road on the way down and I got some great shots with my nice camera. After the drive, I chowed down at the bus again and then did laundry and vegged in bed.

I took a walk around town and pondered how people make a living. They live in interesting places, some of them. Yes, these are shipping containers and there is someone living in it.

There is a small general store.

There is a rather crazy looking guy who owns a gun and gold nugget shop. He carries a pistol the size of a cannon in a shoulder holster. No, I didn't take his picture! I later heard from the Canadian border guard that a number of guns used in crimes in Toronto were traced back to the gun shop in Hyder and it's one of the reasons why they put in the border station on the road back to Stewart.
Property values are really reasonable!

Some of the locals are rather interesting looking. I think there is some sort of beard contest going on.

There are two bars on town... for 40 people. The Sealaska was rockin' on Friday night. I hung out with the Dutch couple I rode with to the glacier and a New Zealand couple, Darren and Lidi, who are giving me a ride out to Meziadin Junction later this morming.

Three of us, Kees, Darren, and I, decided to get 'Hyderized', which entails drinking a shot of an unspecified liquor.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I'm not about to start doing shots on a regular basis. The drink turned out to be Everclear which is 150 proof. I guess now I know how those evaporating dishes feel when students burn their distilled rum in them for the rum lab. Anyways, I'm now officially Hyderized and even have a card certifying the fact.

This morning I packed up and bid goodbye to Hyder. The place has grown on me and is certainly one of the more unique places I've ever been to.

On the way back to Stewart is the Yacht Club.

Here are some of the yachts in this highly exclusive club.

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

  1. "Dem is yachts?" as the locals might say in the BVI's. We're back from our trip and will send off a few pics to your email. We had a great time. Great progress Piroska! And, you can celebrate w/ the local AK's the loss of their former and 'beloved' governor. Favorable winds and clear days to ye.
